when you’ve read enough books
attended 26 seminars
and seen one too many therapists
One day you’ll know what you need
when you’ve exercised while exhausted
tried one last dietary change
or had your palm read by candlelight
One day you’ll know what you need
when you’ve lost enough friends
separated from work
or seen a twenty-something reiki master
when you’ve ended a relationship
to find yourself in the same one
again and again
One day you’ll know what you need
when you’ve dwindled your savings
finding a cure for your humanity
One day you’ll know what you need
when you’ve discovered true friends
got lost in the music
or cried at the autumn tree
One day you’ll know what you need
when you laugh at the absurd
because you are the absurd
and smile at your own misfortunes
when you recall the still voice
that said nothing and everything
when reflecting back your own words
One day you’ll know what you need
when you don’t need to be happy
and no longer search for peace
One day you’ll know what you need
-written by Angela Savitri