Little Melon is very special – he has boy + girl parts, eyelid agenesis, blind in one eye, and a partially formed kidney. He’s doing great!
Several of you expressed interest about the progress of my hermaphrodite, blind-in-one-eye, one kidney kitten, Little Melon.
I wrote a blog about the lessons in mindfulness and love that my new kitten, Little Melon, was teaching me.
Since that post in April, Little Melon has come a long way.
The night I posted about his peeing outside the litter box, he sprayed in the house!
<as a side note, yes, you can get cat pee out of leather but it is not fun. my husband and I were so wound up afterward we went for a walk in our neighborhood at 10 PM. a neighbor called the cops because we were ‘suspicious’ – truly, a comedy for the evening!>
My husband took him to the vet the next day demanding a same-day neuter.
Our regular vet discovered a UTI infection.
Then in May, Little Melon had eye surgery. This was his 4th surgery in 11 months of his little life.
He carried on like a trooper. Outside of one accident after his neuter when he still had a UTI, there have been no more accidents.
He healed well from his second neuter, we treated the UTI, and his eye surgery will keep his one seeing eye intact for years to come.
I love to play! I live to play!
The past two months have been a huge turning point for Melon. He’s grown super attached to us.
He greets us at the door. He allows us to hold him for longer periods of time. He asks to be petted.
He never lies on us…he’s always on the perimeter.
Little Melon has been a huge inquiry in love, kindness, and risk. Yes, his presence created stress, upheaval, and confusion.
But we stuck with it.
‘Let’s see how this goes’ was the mantra.
Let me open a little wider was the practice.
I had to make a decision. I told Little Melon this was his home and he was safe here.
We are keeping him forever.
And he is VERY happy about that! 🙂
Stop Looking Outside and Look Within,