7 Character Traits For Inner Peace

7 Character Traits For Inner Peace

“With mindfulness – the practice of peace – we can begin by working to transform the wars within ourselves.” – Thich Nhat Hanh You know I’m a fan of mindfulness and meditation. But meditation alone is not all that and a bag...
Are You Willing To Walk Away?

Are You Willing To Walk Away?

 a story about not needing to know I had a blog topic all ready for today’s post to continue our theme of Everyday Mindfulness (Step 2 in the Freedom from Chronic Stress Program), but I’ve had a recent life event I feel led to share instead. This is the...
Life is Sweeter Unplanned

Life is Sweeter Unplanned

You could do the dishes the taxes, the laundry You could play catch-up on email Sweep the floor and scrub the toilets You could balance the bank statement or go ahead with your heavy-set plans to scratch off your list   Today the sun is shining bright and high...