Does real happiness at work exist?
It may seem like a pipe dream, something distant in the future, or a possibility with a change in career.
In 2006, my workaholic behaviors were taking a serious negative toll on my health, mental state, and marriage.
I sought help with a therapist who asked me if I could do anything for work, what would I do?
I responded I would like to be a coffee shop singer, but that wouldn’t provide the same compensation I was receiving + benefits. 🙂
That may or may not be true, and I placed big limits on myself, big limits of what is possible, and clung to feelings of what I knew – even if all I knew was struggle – for safety.
Shortly after this conversation, I had to take my first medical leave of absence from work.
I came back after 7 weeks, took a voluntary demotion, and worked part-time for 5 months.
I kept getting worse. Then I took another medical leave of absence.
This time for 7 months.
One of the most humbling experiences of my life was re-entering the same workplace after my medical leave.
I stayed with the same employer for 5 more years.
I knew real happiness needed to come from inside of me.
Work was not the problem.
The intense culture was not the problem.
My husband was not the problem.
I was the problem.
Real happiness at work for me happened when I experienced inner peace regardless of my external circumstances.
This took a long time for me. I had to let go of self-importance and some relationships.
I had to take full responsibility of my life, my actions, my circumstances, and my feelings.
I had to learn to orient myself to love instead of fear.
I had to learn how to navigate my truth in a work culture that supported different values than mine.
Real happiness at work?
What do you think is possible?
Sharon Salzberg, a leading meditation teacher and author of ‘Real Happiness at Work’ recently led a free 15 minute meditation for our group of professional women.
Sharon Salzberg led a free meditation call for our group of professional women. Click here to join our private Facebook group.
This meditation series is over, but you can still join our conversation of 175+ mindful professional women by joining our private Facebook group. Click here to join us!
May you experience real happiness at work and within yourself.