Have you seen a co-worker’s emotional intelligence fly out the window?
Ahem – or maybe it was you who flew off the handle or reacted in a less than professional manner?
It’s embarrassing and painful to witness.
It happened to me.
I angrily snapped at a peer while working in the office on a Saturday trying to meet a deadline.
I apologized a few hours later, but a tension remained between us for years.
Before you’re reported to HR, call a therapist, or are required to utilize your company’s Employee Assistance Program, step back and see if your physical needs are met.
Image courtesy of Ambro at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
If your basic needs for nourishing food, sleep, and rest are not consistently met, you risk flying off the handle, impatience, and resentment.
The incident I mentioned above happened when I was running on only 4 hours of sleep every night…oh, for about 4 months.
12-4. 12-4. 12-4. That was my sleeping pattern for 8 months in a row. It ran me into the ground.
It took 3 years for my sleep pattern to reset so I could consistently sleep 7-8 hours a night.
As a busy professional, you need quality sleep to be creative, focused, and energized.
If you experience difficulty sleeping, seek quality medical care.
A gentle yoga practice before bed can calm the mind, reduce muscle tension, and promote relaxation.
This is not pretzel-me-crazy yoga.
This is breath patterns and gentle movement to stimulate the calming (parasympathetic) portion of the nervous system.
It became part of my routine, and I want to share it with you.
I created a 15 minute Yoga for Insomnia practice – it’s an mp3.
You can practice this simple and gentle routine on the floor or bed.
Try it and drop a comment below to let me know your experience.
Sweet Dreams Friend,