In Spring, the earth and all of her creatures (including us humans), hold on to water.

This is smart. The body is transitioning from the cold and dryness of winter and holding on to moisture. This is part of seasonal transitions.

In Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, Spring is Kapha season. Kapha means to stick or bind together, just like the mucous and congestion you may experience in the spring.

To stay healthy, eat what is in season.

A step further for spring is to minimize foods that increase congestion.

Avoid or minimize your intake of:

  • dairy
  • fried foods
  • iced drinks

And if you are going to have these types of food, eat them during the middle of the day instead of in the evening.

Take inventory of when your allergies flare up and link together what you ate earlier that day and the day before.

For example, I can eat dairy without any problems. However, I noticed whenever I ate ice cream or yogurt at night (after 5 PM), my nose would run.

If I ate earlier in the day, I didn’t have this problem.

This is because our ability to digest is greatest during mid-day (11 AM – 2 PM). During this time, we can break down heavier foods easier.

Pay attention. Connect your food choices to your symptoms and find what works for you.

Happy Spring Blossoms,


PS – Want to know more about how Ayurveda can help you be healthy, reduce cellulite, and make your skin glow? Register for my ‘Ayurveda for Health & Beauty Workshop’ Saturday, April 20 from 1-3 PM in Kernersville, NC. Click here for details. 

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